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Pierluigi Abbondanza
29 gen 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
My painting is the cover of the book "La Lacrima dell'Ibisco"
I'm glad to announce that I've created the cover for the book "La Lacrima dell'Ibisco - L'Occhio di Pietra" by Marcello Benelli. You can...
18 visualizzazioni
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Pierluigi Abbondanza
28 gen 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
My painting appears in Fantasy Report n.3
I'm glad announce that my painting "Deep Memories" have been published in Fantasy Report n.3. Fantasy Report is a brand new magazine...
7 visualizzazioni
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Pierluigi Abbondanza
28 gen 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
I've been interviewed by Italian Sword & Sorcery!
I've been recently interviewd by the Italian Sword & Sorcery people :) The interview is about my life as an artist and touches many...
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Pierluigi Abbondanza
27 gen 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min
My painting "Broken" is the cover of the book "Le Undicimila Verghe"
I'm glad to announce that my painting "Paradise" has been licensed to be used as the cover of the upcoming book "Le Undicimila Verghe" by...
7 visualizzazioni
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Pierluigi Abbondanza
7 nov 2019Tempo di lettura: 1 min
My painting "Paradise" is the cover of the book "Justine" :)
I'm glad to announce that my painting "Paradise" has been licensed to be used as the cover of the upcoming book "Justine - Edizione...
22 visualizzazioni
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Pierluigi Abbondanza
22 mag 2019Tempo di lettura: 1 min
My painting "Deep Memories" appears in The Little Mermaid book!
I'm glad to announce that my painting "Deep Memories" has been selected and will be featured in the book "The Little Mermaid" by Ashly...
54 visualizzazioni
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Pierluigi Abbondanza
3 mag 2019Tempo di lettura: 1 min
My paintings appear in The Guide Artists Magazine n.27
I'm glad announce that 12 of my paintings have been published in The Guide Artists Magazine 27. The Guide Artists is a brand dedicated to...
113 visualizzazioni
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Pierluigi Abbondanza
16 apr 2019Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Book Review: The Art of Simon Bisley
Simon Bisley is a renowned illustrator and comic book artist and this book is a stunning collection of many of his paintings. The book...
142 visualizzazioni
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Pierluigi Abbondanza
11 apr 2019Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Book Review: Alphonse Mucha
This gorgeous volume is a survey of the entire spectrum of the Art Nouveau Master, Alphonse Mucha. Mucha's work is amazing and space...
28 visualizzazioni
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Pierluigi Abbondanza
8 apr 2019Tempo di lettura: 1 min
Book Review: Sorayama Masterworks
Masterworks is the complete collection of Hajime Sorayama's paintings. Sorayama is a true master in rendering different type of textures,...
147 visualizzazioni
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